Tighean Innse Gall history


TIG was formed as a non-profit making organisation registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, and a member of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.

It was set up as part of a strategic agreement between Scottish Homes and the Western Isles Islands Council to act as a local Housing Agency to provide housing for sale and rent throughout the Western Isles. A five year plan was announced which forecast 300 new homes by a variety of means. Five Housing Associations were set up, from Barra to Lewis, and TIG provided development services to all five.

TIG’s main office was originally set up on James Street, Stornoway, run by two staff members.


TIG formally took over the running of Care & Repair from Age Concern Scotland.


TIG and Care & Repair moved into new offices at South Beach Street, Stornoway


TIG secured funding from the Comhairle, Scottish Hydro, Scottish Housing Association Charitable Trust and Help the Aged, to set up the Home Energy Efficiency Scheme Installer – the project was named Taigh Blath.


The Energy Advice Service (TEAS) became a subsidiary of TIG.


The Home Safety Service was set up to work with the Comhairle’s Safetywise group and two Home Safety Co-ordinators were appointed. One in Lewis & Harris and one for the Uists and Barra. The project’s aim was to reduce the number of accidents in the home to ensure that the elderly and disabled live in a safe and comfortable environment.


The Rural Community Housing Project was set up to study population decline and promote regeneration in South Lewis and Harris. A Co-ordinator was
appointed to progress the in-depth study of these local areas during the three-year term of the project.


The five Western Isles Housing Associations were transferred to the newly set up Hebridean Housing Partnership and TIG continue to work as development agents with them.


TIG signed a Service Level Agreement with NHS Highland to maintain and service their fleet of wheelchairs on behalf of patients across Lewis and Harris and this service is still ongoing.


TIG re-branded and advertised a new Logo to promote all our services under the same branding for the first time. All our documents and vans were amended to display the new logo.


The Energy Advisory Service SCIO was registered on 13th June 2017. The organisation’s purposes are: (a) To advance and educate the public on sustainability issues such as energy efficiency, production and climate change; (b) To promote and advance environmental protection or improvement; (c) To relieve those in need by reason of age, ill heath, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages linked to poor living conditions.


The TIG family moved to our own home in January 2019 after the purchase of the old Job Centre on Francis Street. We improved the energy efficiency of the building and undertook extensive renovations. Our Stornoway team of 32 staff are very happy in their new home.


TIG are delighted to expand its premises and be based in the Claddach Kirkibost Centre in North Uist due to the demand of work and our growing team. This office is our second base within the Southern Isles and we look forward to being able to better serve the communities across the Western Isles.